
Ethiopia: Day 3...A Dose of Reality

I am fully rested and recovered from whatever plagued me yesterday. I hope the delicious smoothies and fresh fruits are helping with my hydration and are NOT what nearly took my life. I’ve decided my illness may have been caused by my using a toothbrush that had been rinsed under the faucet. A huge no no. The faucet, instead of bottled water...that the gals next door are even using to wash their faces. They are fun. A little crazy. But definitely fun.

Today’s agenda: visit #2 with the boys.

I brought with me the remaining toys from my suitcase, but this time I didn’t even bother to show them the books and puzzles. Just cars, balls and bubbles. I learn fast. However, the cars didn’t hold the same fascination as they did on Wednesday, so we were reaching for anything new. First, the laptop, which was nearly mauled to death by tiny, curious fingers. And, then we dug into the tubs of donations for crayons and coloring books.

Based on our time together, this is how I envision a typical day at home with the kids: Avery and Garrison sit quietly and contentedly at the table together coloring and playing with flashcards while I chase down Ivan who has absconded with half of their items and is now tearing through the house chunking things to and fro and overturning anything that could possibly make a bigger mess for me. Then, I spend their naptime magic erasing the walls and rainbowing the carpets. But I still can’t wait. Speaking of wait, we found out our wait time between the court appearance (where we are now) to the embassy appointment (our next and final step) could be 8-12 weeks!!! A few months ago, the span was just 2 weeks. Big Fat Bummer.

The boys are total opposites indeed, but so precious. We had arrived during their morning lesson, but the workers let them ditch to come play. Several of us kicked a few balls around outside until someone came around with a bike, which turned into the moment’s obsession. After lunch, Garrison latched onto Keith while I tucked Ivan in for his nap.

I’m going to HATE saying goodbye.

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