
Ultrasound Results...

It's a BOY!!!

2 of 'em.

We received an email from the case manager at CWA just before noon on Monday asking us to call her to discuss pair of male siblings available for adoption. After we FINALLY figured out how to make a 3-way call, we received an email with medical files and pictures of our boys. Yep, I just said "OUR BOYS"!!! We have officially accepted the referral and are now in line for a court date, which will be the first of two trips to Ethiopia.

At this point, we are limited on the information we can share. But we can tell you Avery will now be the middle child. Her older brother is 4 and a half, and her younger brother is 2 and a half. And, they are the most BEAUTIFUL boys. The men (Keith, his dad, my dad) keep saying we have to stop using words like "pretty" and "beautiful" to describe them...but they are!

Within moments of seeing the pictures, both of our families noticed that our oldest actually looks like Keith. His mom pointed out the similarities in his eyelashes, smile and even the shape of his teeth. Then, my dad made the same comment when we called him. And the youngest is making those awkward but very cute toddler faces in many of the pictures. The best: he has a tiny afro. I love it!!! Based on the pictures and files, both boys are happy and healthy. Praise God!


  1. YAY!! Great news- so excited for you guys!

  2. "Holy Mazoly Roly Polys!" That just came out of my mouth!!!! 2 BOYS!!!! 1 older and 1 younger than Avery!!!! ;) AHHHHHH!!!! I'm so so so excited! ;) ;) ;) Yippie! I can't wait to see them! ;) Bring the pics to church ;) can you?! Love you - hope you are having an AWESOME time planning for YOUR BOYS arrival! ;) YIPPIE! Congratulations!!!

  3. Jessica & Keith: What fabulous news!! I had a book about raising boys that I got so much out of. I passed it on to someone, but the main thing I remember it said was to be sure there is lots of fun in your relationship with them. With fun you can create a bond that gets you through the more difficult/challenging times. The author even suggested allowing a boy child to skip a day of school once a year. That was important advice for me because I can be too task oriented. (Something I'm sure never troubles you Jessica.) What a great journey you have before you.

  4. Congratulations, Jessica! This is beautiful news! How exciting to see your family grow! You are abundantly blessed! God's peace, Rhonda Boyle
