
Ultrasound Results...

It's a BOY!!!

2 of 'em.

We received an email from the case manager at CWA just before noon on Monday asking us to call her to discuss pair of male siblings available for adoption. After we FINALLY figured out how to make a 3-way call, we received an email with medical files and pictures of our boys. Yep, I just said "OUR BOYS"!!! We have officially accepted the referral and are now in line for a court date, which will be the first of two trips to Ethiopia.

At this point, we are limited on the information we can share. But we can tell you Avery will now be the middle child. Her older brother is 4 and a half, and her younger brother is 2 and a half. And, they are the most BEAUTIFUL boys. The men (Keith, his dad, my dad) keep saying we have to stop using words like "pretty" and "beautiful" to describe them...but they are!

Within moments of seeing the pictures, both of our families noticed that our oldest actually looks like Keith. His mom pointed out the similarities in his eyelashes, smile and even the shape of his teeth. Then, my dad made the same comment when we called him. And the youngest is making those awkward but very cute toddler faces in many of the pictures. The best: he has a tiny afro. I love it!!! Based on the pictures and files, both boys are happy and healthy. Praise God!


Boys…Will Probably Be Boys

I went into the used bookstore a few days ago looking for general parenting/discipline books. I need help. Friends, feel free to give me advice…and consider this my official solicitation for it. At the bookstore, I found 3 titles that had actually been recommended or referenced in other readings. The first on my list: Bringing Up Boys by Dobson.

Our only child is indeed a girl, and we haven’t received news that would tell us we’re getting a boy. That news would come by way of a document called a “referral.” Basically the announcement that says, “It’s a Boy!” Or whatever. Included in this document would be all available information related to our children…physical stats, their given name, family info if known, circumstances involved in their abandonment and their lives since then, orphanage or foster care, etc. Oh, yes…and a picture!!!

Why did I buy a book on raising the male gender when I have no assurance I will ever get one? A few months ago I would have made the purchase based on Wishful Thinking. My recent purchase was based on knowing that the best thing God could do for me would be to give me a son. “Best” in the previous sentence refers to the change that would likely begin as insanity and hopefully lead toward sanctification.

I am nearly frightened enough by the thought of a son to pray: “Please, God, don’t send me a boy!” But, I’ve actually always wanted a son…and oh, how I hoped Avery would be him! I just couldn’t believe the technician when she assured me for the dozenth time that she was indeed a girl.

While I grew up with a sister, my childhood best friend had a younger brother. Jealous may be too strong a word for what I felt, but I was definitely envious. (Wait, I am pretty certain those are synonyms.) These siblings never seemed to fight over the petty things that drove us apart. The younger brother also thought the WORLD of his mother, and rightly so (she is AMAZING). I guess I’ve always assumed that if I had a son, he would think the same of me.

Why am I all of the sudden terrified of having a son? Besides the fact that I would have no clue what to do with him, I have recently had opportunities to spend “quality” time with some of my friends’ children. These boys didn’t do so much damage that they’re not welcome anytime. I have just seen some of what a boy is capable of.

I still LOVE these boys I know…and I still want one of my own. I just need to get prepared. Mentally prepared if nothing else. So, I’ve put Bringing Up Boys at the top of the continuously growing stack of books I will begin immediately upon receiving a referral. For now, I am just going to nervously glance at it, knowing what is likely in store for me. God knows what is “best” for me…and it just might be a boy, or TWO!!!