We have all seen it to be true with family and friends. Stuck in a lifestyle no sane person would ever choose. Poor choices led them there, and more poor choices keep them there for decades. The rest of us think, "Really? Again." Yes, again.
I am going to learn from history. Right now. This 6th day of October, the year 2015, I will never again move my family into a home under construction / while remodeling at the start of a school year during which I am the teacher and our home is the school setting. And, if I do, I refuse to pack up my family for a trip before I have unpacked the house. Never. I mean, unless God intervenes. But, seriously, never.
Last year, I corralled the kids to the front of the house for first-day-of-school pics. I mentioned grabbing anything they'd like to bring "to school." Avery spent 10 minutes meticulously packing her backpack with various supplies she could rummage from drawers around the house. Ivan tossed a pencil and library book into a drawstring bag. Garrison finally grabbed a pencil when prompted for a second time that he would still need a writing utensil even though he was "doing school" at home.

Because the carpets were being ripped out that very day, the first day of school, I let the kids wear their shoes inside. Gasp. And also go to town on the carpet with markers. The boys drew out games of hop-scotch and tic-tac-toe while Avery made herself a desk labeled so that no one would be confused.
She also wrote and illustrated a story in the corner of the room. I guess that was during creative writing class.
When I looked to my calendar at the end of the summer, our scheduled moving day coincided with the first day of school. Lucky for everyone, we encountered a few setbacks along the way. The plumber stepped through the ceiling. Twice. In separate rooms. Then he left without a word. Yes, he did. And, the cabinet installers bolted the island into the wrong tiles. It was time to cry.
At least I didn't have to make lunch in the bathroom like last year. Food. In the bathroom. Just gross.
Somehow I've made it through mentally unscathed. Thanks to these cute helpers.
And they come with their own work gloves.
This is the year I've planned the most, stuck to a schedule the most, and even started school a week early. However, one month into school I saw that I was 3 lessons behind in math.
I guess that's why we finished school by wrapping up a science lesson at 6 PM one day last week. Yes, that's the reason, and it's not at all because I'm a slave driver.
A sneak peak at our kitchen.
Just a peak. Keith had taped off exactly where the cabinets were to go in...so there'd be no mistake. However, we also learned it doesn't matter where that tape is since some people will bolt an island in anywhere they want.